A faulty or badly-maintained boiler can be extremely dangerous and even cause severe harm. Save time and money with annual boiler service to reduce downtime, increase efficiency, and extend the boiler’s life. In fact, many boilers must be annually maintained to ensure warranty.
Maintain Maintenance Manuals for all equipment to allow your internal facility’s staff to monitor all the work performed on the boiler.
Boiler maintenance services include testing and inspecting:
- Correct gas pressure and flow
- Flue and combustion
- Electrical connections are clean and in good condition
- Fans and other key components are working efficiently
- Seals
- Electrodes
- Safety devices
- Condensate trap and pipe
- Operational functions including high and low safeties, valves and both electric and gas switches

Pump Repair and Installation
We check pumps to ensure proper bearing temperatures and look for unusual vibration.
- Clean burners
- Inspect heat exchanger
- Tube brushing
Safety is top of mind to ensure everyone remains safe during boiler maintenance and operation. After our technicians service your boiler, they will give you a report about what was completed and make recommendations to increase efficiency of your equipment. This report will be useful should there be a warranty issue.